Montag, 25. September 2006
Wenn sich nette junge Menschen in Weimar treffen wird gegrillt. Alles was rumliegt. Aber getrunken wird auch!
Was heißt hier ABER???? Gruß an die Gastgeber Wenke und Mario. Und an uns Gäste: Susi, Peer, Jens und mich!

Schlechtes VIDEO angucken? HIER:

froehlicher abend (wmv, 2,500 KB)

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Montag, 4. September 2006
Mark`s Geburtstag im E-WERK Weimar (In ENGLISH for some reason. Dunno why)
We had a lot of good talking that night. Thanx Katharina, Christian, Jens, Julia and me! :-) Thanx MARK for the BECKS- it kept us (and the Talk) going! So the talking started-the girls made the start (Why always the girls? :-)

Katharina und Julia have a lot to talk

Christian hangin round with other women (Anna) she just likes to dance. Soon!

Rosa (9) is the daughter of Katharina: She`s writing a Shortstory while everybodys drinkin. So what? She`s an Artist.

Me too. I enjoy a very special exhibition: The toilet is a piece (pees? :-) of art!

Christian and Udo have fun in front of the Toilet. Inside you find much more entertaining things:

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